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TMV’s Lokmanya Tilak Law College - LL.M. (Two years Law Course)
Course Highlight
Masters of Law is a Post-Graduation course of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. The Course has dynamic, flexible curriculum that appeals to a range of interests, taught by leading scholars and also seek to foster an encouraging and supportive learning and research oriented environment. LL.M. students may specialize their studies in fields such as Business Law and International Law. Vidyapeeth Offers curriculum designed to impart contemporary legal knowledge, legal procedures, discussions of contemporary technology-enabled systems, processes and procedures in the course of teaching Indian laws as well as international laws.
The candidate should have completed a 5 years Integrated Law Course or 3 years LL.B Course. (Bachelor Degree of Law).
Course Pattern
2 years
Total No. of Seats
Medium of Instruction
Time Table
Click Here For TIME TABLE.
Click Here For Detailed Syllabus.
Click Here For Syllabus (2023)
Fee Structure (In Rupees)
First Year
Second Year
• For 2023-2024 Batch Fee Structure
Click Here
• For 2024-2025 Batch Fee Structure
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Course Structure
Click Here For Detailed Course Structure.
Examination Pattern
The Continuous Assessment and External examinations will have equal weightage of 50% each.
Evaluation Scheme
A. University External Examination (UEX)
External Examination for the 50% marks will be conducted as per Vidyapeeth norms. The External examination programme will be scheduled as per the notifications and guidelines issued by the Examination section of Vidyapeeth.
B. Continuous Assessment
Internal assessment for each course would be continuous and dates for each tutorials/practical tests etc. will be pre-notified in the time table for teaching or placed separately as a part of time table. The Department Internal Assessment Committee will coordinate this activity. It is a continuous evaluation process. The Internal marks will be evaluated on the basis of the following i.e. attendance, punctuality, practical skills, written tests, longish term papers and oral skills etc, and dissertation in the final semester. Assessment of internal work will be conducted before conducting External examination. Longish Term Paper will be evaluated by the examiners of the same college and the dissertation will be evaluated by one internal and one external examiner.
Course Outcome Program Outcome
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Rules of Passing
• A student should secure 50% marks in both University External Examination (UEX) and Continuous Assessment separately, for passing the subject/Course. Also the aggregate marks for passing each course/ subject are minimum 50% marks.
• ATKT- A student cannot register for third semester, if he/she fails to pass all the subjects of First Semester.
• The external examination answer papers shall be evaluated by Central Assessment Programme.
• There shall be a revaluation of the answer scripts of External Examination but not of Continuous Assessment. Revaluation can be availed of only if a minimum of 50% marks are secured out of passing criteria.
• The mark sheet generated would be as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) according to UGC Norms.
Career scope and Job Opportunities at Exit point
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