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Workshop on women safety and hygiene

Women & Ipr Seminar

Yerwada Jail Visit

Traffic Awareness Activity

State Level Elocution Competition

International Conference on Sports Law

Farewell 2023

Rangoli Competition held on 21st Sept 2021

NSS Activity held on 18th April, 2022

National Moot Court Competition on 22nd and 23rd April 2022

Legal Aid Camp held on 28th October, 2022

Lecture Series on Practical Aspects of CrPc held on 25th April to 18th May 2022

International Women's Day held on 08th March, 2022

International Conference on Tighter Legal Regime for Media and OTT Platforms held on 09th April,2022

Guest Lecture on Powers & Functions of National Green Tribunal

Farewell Party held on 29th June 2022

Constitution Day held on 26th November, 2021

Chess Competition held on 29th April 2022

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